That’s 4 to the Rain

I hereby resolve to use this blog more. I think it fell by the wayside as I figured no one goes to websites and reads blogs any more, but also no one is going come check this if there’s never any updates.

After getting rained out two weeks ago, we were really hoping to get to play at The Boat tonight but the rain once again threatened! Judging from how the night went we must have really pissed off Poseidon or someone. The rain forecasts were all over the place. You could look at 10 different forecasts and they all said different things. We were supposed to start at 7p, but it looked like there would be rain right up until about then. So in consulting with the venue and our sound person, we decided to push it until 8p as it looked like it would be clear by then. Then the forecasts shifted and looked like the rain would also be appearing about 7-8. And possibly re-appearing right around the end of the night. Maybe. We waited until the last possible minute at which point it was misting and Dylan (our sound engineer) was having to wipe off his equipment. Even a light mist is not good for sensitive electronic gear and he had just been totally misted out on Thursday night as well. So the decision was made to go ahead and call it.

So of course, as soon as Dylan had packed up and left, the skies totally cleared and it never rained. That’s the way it goes sometimes. It’s our 4th rain out since we started playing The Boat back in October of 2021 but such is life in Texas when playing outdoor venues! Sorry to all who came out looking to get some smooth Yacht Rock. Everyone tries to make the best call in the moment but as we all know weather can be a fickle beast, especially in Texas. We’ll be back June 1 at The Boat! Join us then!

That may be 4 to the rain, but luckily we’re still way ahead! And we got to have some great chats with some of while we waited around!

Nautical By Nature,
Captain Heath

One response to “That’s 4 to the Rain”

  1. Ah,Spring & the unpredictability of Mother Nature. What a bummer for y’all to haul & set everything up only to to wait around before finally calling it only to pack it all up again without playing. Been looking forward to hearing this band but we’ll just have to wait. See you on 6/1.

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